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Post Necropsy Wrap Up.

Updated: Feb 15, 2018

Post Necropsy wrap up! I had unbelievable opportunity and was invited to the Turtle Lake Hunt Club for their 15th annual deer necropsy (autopsy). Throughout the day sharpshooters shot 43 does across the 26,000 acre property and brought them in so they could be assesed for a variety of things.

What an amazing opportunity to look over the shoulder of Dr. James Kroll (Dr. Deer) a world renown whitetail biologist, and Wayne Sitton one of the best deer managers in the country as they taught us an incredible amount about the biology of whitetails.

Thanks to Luke Sitton, another club manager as well for teaching us and providing tips on accurate aging using the jawbone and answering lots of questions throughout the day about the club and whitetails. Y'all run a top notch operation! I learned more in one day about whitetails than I have in all my years of hunting. Felling very blessed to be there with not only Doc Kroll, Wanye, and Luke, but also a cohort of the states leading whitetail managers and enthusiasts. Once in a lifetime opportunity.



Michigan Deer Hunters: Let em Go, Let em Grow exists to protect the legacy of deer hunting, control disease, and enhance the overall hunting experience in the state of Michigan. We are NOT a non-profit organization.   

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